Facebook makes space for more relevant posts

Social media has proven to be very influential in shaping people’s lives, affecting everything from one’s mental health to people’s views on certain political parties. To limit this, Facebook has made a decision to limit the posts from business accounts on your News Feed to make room for more meaningful posts shared by your friends and families.

Disable Windows 10’s intrusive settings

Windows 10 is undoubtedly Microsoft’s most accepted operating system since Windows XP. But that doesn’t make it faultless, many users have been complaining about the intrusive privacy settings the operating system enables by default. To reclaim your privacy, follow these tips on turning off its intrusive settings

Turn personalized advertising off

For those unaware, Windows 10 assigns each user an ‘advertising ID’ which it uses to personalize your ad experience based on your recent browser history.

The dangers of distributed spam distraction

Users get around 200 emails in their inbox a day, including work messages, automated payment slips, and everyone’s least favorite email, spam. Spam messages are mostly harmless, but when you get more than 10,000 of them flooding your inbox, you’re probably the victim of a special type of spam attack.

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