Phishing attack cost The City of Baltimore $375,000
Business email compromise is the most dangerous cybercrime according to FBI IC3, 64x worse than ransomware. This is why.
Business email compromise is the most dangerous cybercrime according to FBI IC3, 64x worse than ransomware. This is why.
Human error aka employee negligence is the biggest cause of a data breach because it’s what makes things like this happen.
Supply chain disruption has been the name of the game for cybercriminals and freight forwarders on land and on the sea have been constantly targeted lately.
Phishing is a danger to any business in any industry, and it can do massive damage as well as cost a fortune.
De Fi continues to be a hotbed of hacking activity as cybercriminals seek quick scores of cryptocurrency, and there’s still no end to the danger in sight.
Misconfiguration and sloppy security aren’t uncommon mistakes, but they’re always a problem and could be an expensive regulatory disaster in some industries.
Cybercriminals are poised to attack any company that handles or stores large amounts of valuable personal or health-related data.
Organizations in industries that have had historically poor security are attractive low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals.
De Fi has been a hotbed of having activity as cybercriminals seek quick scores of cryptocurrency, and there’s no end to the danger in sight.
This is not an uncommon mistake, but it’s always a problem and could be an expensive regulatory disaster in some industries.
Companies that store large quantities of personal or medical information are prime targets for the bad guys.
Organizations should keep in mind the fact that the preferred weapon of nation-state cybercriminals is ransomware..