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Employee mistakes are often responsible for data breaches.

Exploit: Misconfiguration
PlatformQ: Digital Engagement Solutions

[img src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/risk-to-business-img-r1.jpg” class=”aligncenter”]

Risk to Business: 1.687 = Severe

PlatformQ, a provider of digital engagement solutions for healthcare (PlatformQ Health) and education (PlatformQ Education) sector entities, experienced a data breach after an employee accidentally published a database backup stored in a misconfigured AWS S3 bucket. The data appears to be about marketing the drug Zarex to doctor’s offices and similar places, and PII for healthcare professionals was involved.

[img src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/risk-to-business-img-r1.jpg” class=”aligncenter”]

Individual Risk: 1.733 = Severe
The leak exposed sensitive information including the full names, personal email addresses, job titles work email addresses, home, work and private phone numbers and National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers of an estimated 99,000 healthcare professionals

How it Could Affect Your Business : Employee mistakes and negligence are responsible for more data breaches than any other cause, but training helps fix that.

Risk Levels:
1 – 1.5 = Extreme Risk
1.51 – 2.49 = Severe Risk
2.5 – 3 = Moderate Risk

*The risk score is calculated using a formula that considers a wide range of factors related to the assessed breach.